Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pete talks about Tommy and The Isle of Wight

Part 1


Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


grace said...

You know I could sit and watch him talk all day long!!! He just has such a mesmorizing air about him.

thanks for the vids!

Lucy said...

Yeah. Wasn't it sort of touching (I thought, anyway) how he confesses to how much he hated being in The Who? I KNOW THE FEELING!! Of being trapped, imprisoned, not being able to get out of something you "fell into". Because people keep depending on you. I dunno, it just really touches me. It makes me go, A'wwww! :( Poor Pete. Wish I was as rich as he is though! ;) But I wouldn't want all the public-eye.

Dave from Pennsylvania said...

Ah, it is sooo long since I have been here

Lucy said...

Welcome, Dave! Come back often, y'hear? ;)

aquaseven said...

To echo Dave above, it has been a long time since I've visited.

A gathering of genuine Who fans is definately where I'd find allies. Not to exclude anyone else, but Lucy, you seem to be the main posting person here and as authentic as they come re: Who fans. I'm in need of a serious sounding board about an issue but I feel uncomfortable broadcasting it in such a public forum. I was wondering if I could blog or e-mail you about it, so I could possibly contribute better.

I used to be tanstripe on this blog, that is how long it has been, my e-mail address has changed since then, too...

Entrapment isn't fun...aaahhh!!!
Aloha, Heidi

Lucy said...

Hi Heidi, yes I remember 'tanstripe' - thanks for visiting. (Don't know about those Chinese 'fans' though)